Today’s ponds and lakes use fountain aerators, paddle aerators and diffusion grids to move and oxygenate the water. This equipment requires frequent maintenance and replacement parts to maintain optimum performance. This upkeep can be very costly and time consuming. Aqua Hill Aeration now offers new innovative and patented technology for your ponds and lakes in the Floating Large HydroBurst, Mini HydroBurst and Mirco HydroBurst. The Floating Large HydroBurst, Mini HydroBurst and Mirco HydroBurst will give you the ability to de-stratify and oxygenate the entire water column efficiently throughout the whole body of water. This will assist in controlling algae build up in ponds and lakes. It will also increase your volume of production with a lower Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). The Hydroburst only requires a low energy consumption blower to operate. It does not have any moving parts and requires virtually no maintenance or replacement parts.
Size Dimensions (L x W x H): With Floating Assembly: 90 ½” x 54” x 50”
Outlet Size: 12"
Install Type: In Tank or Floating
Size Dimensions (L x W x H): 20 ½” x 20 ½” x 16”; With Floating Assembly: 72” x 40” x 34”
Outlet Size: 8"
Install Type: In Tank or Floating
Size Dimensions (L x W x H): 16” x 16” x 13 ¾”; With Floating Assembly: 36” x 31 ½” x 32”
Outlet Size: 6"
Install Type: In Tank or Floating