RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) is a closed loop system which recirculates water. RAS currently requires the use of many costly equipment components: water pumps, oxygen contactors, degassing units and foam fractionators. All these components are needed to assist and maintain a sustainable environment for the grow out process…
Today’s ponds and lakes use fountain aerators, paddle aerators and diffusion grids to move and oxygenate the water. This equipment requires frequent maintenance and replacement parts to maintain optimum performance. This upkeep can be very costly and time consuming…
Hydroponics and Aquaponics use various pumps and diffusion grids to move and oxygenate water. This equipment requires frequent maintenance and replacement parts to maintain performance. Aqua Hill Aeration Inc. now offers new innovative and patented technology for your hydroponics and aquaponics systems…
Todays wastewater treatment systems use expensive stainless steel diffusion grids which require frequent maintenance and high energy consumption blowers to operate. This can prove to be an expensive and unsustainable approach over time. Aqua Hill Aeration now offers new innovative and patented technology for your wastewater treatment systems in the Hydroburst IT and the Hydrostream IT…